Hi, I’m Laura

I’m here to help you AND your audience LOVE YOUR WEBSITE.

Your website is the online home of your business. It should be something you’re proud of, something that does it’s job exceptionally well, and something that doesn’t frustrate or confuse your target audience.

It’s one of the most important aspects of your business.

What’s bothering you about your website? Are you proud to show it off?

If not, let’s get it there.

Let’s have a couple of virtual meetings and a quick, stress-free turnaround.

You’ll love your new content!

The top 2 things that consistently delay website work and HOW I eliminate them:

WRITTEN CONTENT & IMAGES! I’ve seen one after another busy business owner struggle to find the time or energy to conceptualize, write and capture effective website content. Many things factor into this, but the result is usually the same: DELAY.

You’re an expert in your field and passionate about what you do for a reason. Pouring your energy into producing website content, not to mention well developed COPY (click HERE to learn the difference), that connects and engages, when it isn’t your forté, can cause you to loose momentum in other key areas.

This is why I’ve created a system that takes this responsibility off of you without compromising your insight, quality and passion.

My approach is DIFFERENT


  • I start by sending you a set of mojo-making questions. I get curious about the things your audience needs to know. I dig into the priorities, purpose, and heart of your business, and the people and stories behind it.

    Then we get on a video call and I get to experience YOUR words, and YOUR voice, and YOUR passion, and I ask a few more questions. I channel all of that goodness into your project and create your vision….. only better….. it’s magic!

  • Often these words are casually used interchangeably, but website designers use them differently and understand the impact of correct applications. Clear content MUST exist before compelling copy can be created.

    CONTENT is intended to provide relevant & useful information and includes everything that fills the pages of a website.

    COPY is intended to engage users and convert sales by invoking emotions through words and images.

    They are BOTH essential for any business hoping to move their target audience through the website funnel. Read more about this HERE!

  • Authentic images are ESSENTIAL for you to connect with your target audience. If images are needed for your project, getting this step done quickly is KEY to our timely process. A story brand photography session will provide the perfect images needed to showcase and elevate your brand. End result? You have images you’re thrilled with, I have the right images for your project at the time I need them, and you have a successful, easy experience.

    BONUS #1: It’s one less person for you to budget, schedule and wait on!

    BONUS #2: You have great images ready as needs come up!

  • Once your “homework” is done, we’ll settle on my work dates that fit your schedule (see below why you need to be available). This will range from ONE DAY to a few days that span TWO WEEKS, depending on the project. We have a video chat to review your “homework” and I’ll be off to the races. You can expect:

    • a few calls for clarification while I’m working on your project,

    • a scheduled preview to make sure I’m on track,

    • and an opportunity to make edits,

    • all on the scheduled dates and times we set before we get started.

    Next thing you know you’ll be tossing virtual confetti celebrating your virtual freshness!

  • First, we schedule a free 30 minute call to discuss your needs and see if I’m a good fit. If you’d like to move forward, we set dates, and I send you a Statement of Work outlining the milestones and dates for your work.

Businesses I’ve Worked With